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it-sa Expo&Congress Europe's leading trade fair for IT security - the doors will open soon!
Black Alps - Two days of learnings, networking, and fun!
In this OSINT training course, you will learn techniques and tools for collecting, analyzing and interpreting digital information for your research.
Together with Compass Co founder Ivan Bütler, Viseca Card Services SA is putting the spotlight on phishing. In this type of attack, criminals try to…
WISO - ZDF's consumer magazine - recently reported on cases of credit card fraud in hotel bookings. Compass Security explains how such fraud could…
How do social engineering attacks work? In «Beobachter», the Swiss magazine for law and justice, Ivano Somaini talks about his unusual everyday life…
Once again, reading blogs and tweets from James Forshaw led me to wonder how things work. This time, I was working on DCOM for my last blog post and…
Earlier this year, several security researchers published research about using DCOM to coerce Windows systems to authenticate to other systems. This…